Starring Ama Rio and Akira Shell HD (1280 x 7280) MP4
Custom Video
"Key points:
Ama's eyes and mouth are wide open for the entire video. This is extremely important.
Real mouth to mouth, pinch her nose, head titled back, full seal over her wide open mouth, and really breath breaths into her. This should cause her chest and belly to rise. Just have her relax and let your breaths do the work. Your breath should cause cheek inflation and belly/chest movement.
I would like the MTM breaths to be audible. For instance, your breathing in is audible and the air going...
Starring Ama Rio and Akira Shell HD (1280 x 7280) MP4
Custom Video
"Key points:
Ama's eyes and mouth are wide open for the entire video. This is extremely important.
Real mouth to mouth, pinch her nose, head titled back, full seal over her wide open mouth, and really breath breaths into her. This should cause her chest and belly to rise. Just have her relax and let your breaths do the work. Your breath should cause cheek inflation and belly/chest movement.
I would like the MTM breaths to be audible. For instance, your breathing in is audible and the air going into/out of Ama Rio is audible
chest compressions. straight arms interlocked hands on Ama's chest. Push down count compressions and have Ama Rio move her belly upward with each compression
Tongue deep in mouth on occasion during MTM
Plead with Ama Rio. Some examples are in between breaths saying "come on Ama, take my breath, breath baby. during compressions saying "one, two, three, four...fifteen...come on Ama come back"
The scene starts with Ama Rio at her work desk. Her head is tilted back her eyes and mouth are wide open. Their arms are down to her side on the chair. Lifeless look. She has had a heart attack. She is wearing a tight white button-down shirt(no bra), and skirt (no undergarments) and is barefoot. Her shirt is unbuttoned fully showing her boobs.
You come into the room immediately once the video starts and find Ama Rio. You scream her name and immediately do 5 full slow mouth-to-mouth breaths on Ama Rio. Pinched nose and real breaths into her lifeless lungs. You also do 10 chest compressions while she is in the chair. Realizing this isn't working you pull Ama Rio down from the chair and pull her by her arms with her face up into the middle of the room. You kneel down and check for breathing and pulse.
You exclaim out loud "no breathing no pulse, I must begin CPR....come on Ama Rio come back to me"
Realizing you must begin intense CPR you remove her glasses. You make sure Her feet are straight out to shoulder width apart. Her arms were spread wide open. Ama Rio still has her eyes wide open along with her mouth. You tilt Ama Rio'shead fully back, ope s her mouth, pinch her nose, give a full mouth seal over the mouth, and blow 3 full breaths into her mouth and lungs causing her cheeks to puff out and her chest to rise. After the three breaths, you position your hands interlocked between her breasts. With straight arms, you deliver 15 SLOW and HARD chest compressions to her. Each compression makes the Ama Rio's stomach bounce (simulating strong compressions). You do another cycle of 3 breaths and 15 compressions immediately following the first.
After the first two rescue cycles, you decide you need to remove her skirt to allow for better circulation. You pull down her skirt past her knees to expose her bottoms. You then begin 3 breaths and 15 compressions just like before.
As the rescue continues you start to become aroused. You please with Ama Rio.... "come back to me Ama Ama Rio... breath Ama Rio...". You continue with the mouth-to-mouth and compressions but on occasion, you prod your tongue into Ama Rio's mouth during the mouth-to-mouth, you also lick her lips as you breathe life into her. However, you stay focused on bringing your friend back. You continue with the 3 breaths and 15 compressions (although occasionally prodding your tongue into the victim's mouth and licking her lips during the mouth-to-mouth). You plead with Ama Rio in between counting off compressions and giving breaths saying " come on Ama Rio.... goood Ama Rio..take my breath..."
Thinking maybe Ama Rio has an obstruction in her airway you turn her on her side and finger sweep her mouth. Please get a shot of her ass here as you put her on her side. You pump Ama Rio's stomach 15 times counting compressions and saying "good Ama Rio, come on baby please come back...breath Ama Rio"
After the finger sweep, you lay her flat on her back as she was before. The CPR and mouth-to-mouth are continued. 3 breaths x 15 compressions.
With one last mouth-to-mouth breath(with tongue) Ama Rio awakens suddenly. The video then ends.
A couple of points I would like to emphasize.
- immediately pull Ama Rio to the center of the room to begin CPR, please get a full body shot of you pulling her.
- please continue CPR until the very last few seconds of the video when Ama Rio suddenly awakens. The video is over then.
- victim's eyes remain slightly open during the rescue
- mouth open during rescue
- close up of mouth to mouth and your tongue going into Ama Rio'smouth(only on occasion)
-different camera angles during the rescue (feet-to-head shot, head-to-feet shot esp)
- victim's head tilted back during rescue
- victim's chest rise and cheeks puff during mouth to mouth
- victim's belly bounces during compressions"
Order a custom video or worn goods through AkiraShellxxx ( at ) gmail . com