Glovedsub is tied to the bed reversed spread eagle. She-male Vanessa wearing thigh high boots and long gloves spanks his ass and uses the flogger on him. She them turns him on his back, blindfolds and gag him. She then does some electrical play on his cock. And finally she handgags and masturbates him.
Format: MPEG4 640 x 480 900 kbps. Content: Thigh High Boots, opera gloves, spanking, flogger, blindfolfd, gag, electro-play, handgagging, glove over mouth, masturbation.
Glovedsub is tied to the bed reversed spread eagle. She-male Vanessa wearing thigh high boots and long gloves spanks his ass and uses the flogger on him. She them turns him on his back, blindfolds and gag him. She then does some electrical play on his cock. And finally she handgags and masturbates him.
Format: MPEG4 640 x 480 900 kbps. Content: Thigh High Boots, opera gloves, spanking, flogger, blindfolfd, gag, electro-play, handgagging, glove over mouth, masturbation.