Well if a girl is single it is often the case that her female friends will try and set her up with a blind date. And her we see our laggy babe hiding in the toilet at the dinner party, because she just can not stand her blind date. Why did she let her friends talk her into it AGAIN! She took the time to buy new shoes, put on her best black dress, new holdup stockings an she now hiding in the toilets from her date, dangling her new heels as she trys to think of an excuss to leave early.
Well if a girl is single it is often the case that her female friends will try and set her up with a blind date. And her we see our laggy babe hiding in the toilet at the dinner party, because she just can not stand her blind date. Why did she let her friends talk her into it AGAIN! She took the time to buy new shoes, put on her best black dress, new holdup stockings an she now hiding in the toilets from her date, dangling her new heels as she trys to think of an excuss to leave early.