Renee Adams has inadvertently started up another Original Film Series (Part-111). In this installment, Renee gets a hold of Tiina K.'s red sneakers and as usual she gets SHoeJob Revenge on the SHoes like she usually does when she finds a pair that is left behind by a visiting lady. As always Renee Adams is not one to pass up an opportunity to get any type of SHoeHJob Revenge by taking it out on a fellow slut who misplaced her SHoes! Renee uses Russell Peter as a co-COCK-conspirator in the plot of this unique SHoeJob Revenge and of course he's more than willing to fuck Tiina K.'s red sneaker...
Renee Adams has inadvertently started up another Original Film Series (Part-111). In this installment, Renee gets a hold of Tiina K.'s red sneakers and as usual she gets SHoeJob Revenge on the SHoes like she usually does when she finds a pair that is left behind by a visiting lady. As always Renee Adams is not one to pass up an opportunity to get any type of SHoeHJob Revenge by taking it out on a fellow slut who misplaced her SHoes! Renee uses Russell Peter as a co-COCK-conspirator in the plot of this unique SHoeJob Revenge and of course he's more than willing to fuck Tiina K.'s red sneakers! Renee uses Russell's 10.5 inch cock and sucks on it, to get it hard and super wet. Renee Adams knows that saliva is the ultimate organic, all-natural lube and uses it with Russell's "PETER" to fuck and Tiina K.'s red sneakers. Renee Adams makes Russell Peter's girthy cock fuck the SHoe and as her saliva dries up, she adds insult to injury by spitting even more into the SHoe as she slides Russell's shaft back and forth through the sneaker . Renee uses her hands to tighten the SHoe's grip as she speeds up the sliding motion while the inside of her SHoe is soaked with saliva and pre-cum. Renee then pulls it out of the sneaker and look closely and you'll see his pre-cum drip out of his cock and Renee never loses a drop as she continuously laps it up numerous times while they the sneakers. Renee continues the SHoeFuck Grind, then Renee pulls his massive cock out and jerks it hard and fast and before you know it Russell Peter shoots an abundant gooey, white and thick CUMSHOT all over Tiina K.'s red sneakers and Renee Adams ends up licking up the cum from her SHoe that is dripping with his thick white load so that Renee can take a selfie "SHoefie" of herself with Tiina K.'s own cummy red sneakers! As usual the moral of the story is don't be stupid and leave or SHoes behind or they'll GET SHOE PRANKED & to the MAX!
Enjoy watching the One Hundred & eleventh installment of SHoeJob Revenge Feeturing: Renee Adams & cock-starring Russell Peter in this original film series!
Directed by: Renee Adams
Length: 40 mins
Format: MP4, The Region Code Free DVD versions of this & all of our films are available at: & & & & All DVD orders will be shipped in a discrete package for privacy.
Meet the stars of our movies LIVE & in the FLESH by applying for a membership to join us at our #KlubThirty3 bdsm / kink-fetish events & SOL3MAT3S foot-fetish parties in southern California. Contact us directly for membership / event info.
Look for our hashtags on social networks #SOL3MAT3S #SOL3SIST3RS #ReneeAdamsxxx #KlubThirty3