Renee Adams has inadvertently started up another Original Film Series (Part-270) while simultaneously pulling off the ULTIMATE PRANK on an unsuspecting lady (Kaur Spears) who left her shoes behind after visiting with Russell & Renee to a SOL3MAT3S Foot-Fetish Event. Renee's ultimate pet-peeve is when other girls leave their things behind and expect that she hold on to them until they see each other again. Well Renee Adams has HAD ENOUGH of that BULLSH!T so she is taking it out on each and every bitch who leaves her things behind; by taking it out on their SHoes!! Only this time Kaur Spears ...
Renee Adams has inadvertently started up another Original Film Series (Part-270) while simultaneously pulling off the ULTIMATE PRANK on an unsuspecting lady (Kaur Spears) who left her shoes behind after visiting with Russell & Renee to a SOL3MAT3S Foot-Fetish Event. Renee's ultimate pet-peeve is when other girls leave their things behind and expect that she hold on to them until they see each other again. Well Renee Adams has HAD ENOUGH of that BULLSH!T so she is taking it out on each and every bitch who leaves her things behind; by taking it out on their SHoes!! Only this time Kaur Spears forgot this same pair of black nine west platform stilettos a second time! Notice that she left them in SHoeJob Revenge Part 69 where they were originally wrecked in the SHoeJob process as the platform sole of the SHoe fell apart. Renee uses Russell Peter as a co-COCK-conspirator in the plot of this installment of SHoeJob Revenge and of course he's more than willing to play along with Renee with the same SHoes for the 2nd time with the same pair of wrecked SHoes. She begins by whipping out his 10.5 inch cock and sucks on it, to get it hard and super wet. Renee Adams knows that saliva is the ultimate organic, all-natural lube so she uses it on Kaur Spears' black nine west platform stilettos that were left behind using Russell's "PETER" to fuck and them for a 2nd time!! Renee Adams makes Russell Peter's girthy cock fuck the SHoes and as her saliva dries up, she adds insult to injury by spitting even more into the SHoes as she slides Russell's shaft through the SHoe's! Renee Adams even applies coconut oil to his cock to ensure that it slide through smoothly as uses her hands to tighten the SHoe's grip. She speeds up the grind while the whore's shoes are tightly locked around Russell's big thick dick and look closely and you'll see his pre-cum drip out of his cock and Renee never loses a drop as she continuously laps it up numerous times while they mess up the bitches SHoes. Russell Peter's pre-cum builds up and starts to mix with Renee Adams spit + the coconut oil and the open toe of the shoes becomes SUPER LUBED and Russell's cock is able to grind smoother and faster through the tight space. Renee decides that its time for Russell to cum already so she speeds it up more and before you know it Russell Peter shoots an even MORE abundant gooey, white and thick CUMSHOT into Kaur Spears' black nine west platform stilettos this 2nd time around and naturally; Renee Adams smears his cum on the SHoe as she slides it off Russell's shaft. Renee Adams ends up licking up the thick white cum from the SHoe, and holds up the shoe dripping with his thick white load so that Renee can photograph herself with the cummy shoes so she can text them to Kaur as a reminder of what will happen every time a careless stupid bitch leaves her stuff behind. The moral of the story is if you don't want your SHoes MESSED UP by Renee and Russell, don't forget them or YOU WILL GET SHoe-PRANKED! And for those of you waiting for the "SHoe to Drop" you are never disappointed as Renee Adams always drops every SHoe that is used in this series on the floor to properly end each and every scene!
Enjoy watching the Two Hundredth & Seventieth installment of SHoeJob Revenge
Starring + Directed by: Renee Adams & cock-starring Russell Peter in this original film series!
Format: Mp4 in 1080 HD , access all of our films at: & & & & &