Renee Adams has inadvertently started up another Original Film Series (Part-344). In this installment, Renee wants to get SHoeJob Revenge on her own brand new pair of black Ellen Tracy open-toe sling-backs. Renee Adams is not one to pass up an opportunity, only this time its not a fellow slut who forgot her shoes, or a whore who took off her shoes in the middle of the living room for someone else to trip on or some stupid neighbor lady who voluntarily gave us a SHoe collection to mess up; not this time! Renee decides to take it out on her own SHoes for no other reason than the fact that she...
Renee Adams has inadvertently started up another Original Film Series (Part-344). In this installment, Renee wants to get SHoeJob Revenge on her own brand new pair of black Ellen Tracy open-toe sling-backs. Renee Adams is not one to pass up an opportunity, only this time its not a fellow slut who forgot her shoes, or a whore who took off her shoes in the middle of the living room for someone else to trip on or some stupid neighbor lady who voluntarily gave us a SHoe collection to mess up; not this time! Renee decides to take it out on her own SHoes for no other reason than the fact that she wants to ensure that they don't hurt her feet!! Renee uses Russell Peter as a co-COCK-conspirator in the plot of this unique SHoeJob Revenge film and of course he's more than willing to fuck Renee Adams black Ellen Tracy open-toe sling-backs! She begins by whipping out his 10.5 inch cock and sucks on it, to get it hard and super wet. And of course Renee Adams knows that saliva is the ultimate organic, all-natural lube so she continually sucks the cock to keep it naturally lubed which makes it easier to SHoeJob the pair of shoes using Russell's "PETER". Renee also adds her infamous coconut oil to the cock and continues to work Russell's shaft back up and down. She slips the cock back into the black Ellen Tracy open-toe sling-backs and then Renee speeds it up and makes Russell's "PETER" shoot an abundant gooey, white and thick CUMSHOT all up in her own black Ellen Tracy open-toe sling-backs. The moral of the story is if you're a pair of cute SHoes, don't mess with the woman that owns YOU or YOU WILL GET SHoe-Pranked to the MAX! And for those of you waiting for the "SHoe to Drop" you are never disappointed as Renee Adams always drops every SHoe that is used in this series on the floor to properly end each and every scene!
Enjoy watching the Three Hundredth & Forty-Fourth installment of SHoeJob Revenge
Starring + Directed by: Renee Adams & cock-starring Russell Peter in this original film series!