Man lets 6'3", 150 pound amazon Baunfire stand barefoot on his chest... She stomps him, jumps on him, slaps him with her size 11 feet, makes him smell them... but she feels he deserves even MORE punishment. A snap of her fingers shrinks him to a few inches tall. So he goes from being her rug, to the size of a BUG. Then, she gives him just one more STOMP...
Man lets 6'3", 150 pound amazon Baunfire stand barefoot on his chest... She stomps him, jumps on him, slaps him with her size 11 feet, makes him smell them... but she feels he deserves even MORE punishment. A snap of her fingers shrinks him to a few inches tall. So he goes from being her rug, to the size of a BUG. Then, she gives him just one more STOMP...