Kerri Taylor returns as the evil landlady... this time, she gets revenge on a non-paying tenant by shrinking the house he was renting,.. When he protests, she shrinks him too. She tricks him to go inside the house, then stomps it flat... with him inside! THIS IS A HIGH DEFINITION CLIP. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE IF YOUR COMPUTER CAN HANDLE THIS SIZE FILE, PLEASE PURCHASE THE STANDARD DEF CLIP BELOW. BOTH CONTAIN THE SAME CONTENT
Kerri Taylor returns as the evil landlady... this time, she gets revenge on a non-paying tenant by shrinking the house he was renting,.. When he protests, she shrinks him too. She tricks him to go inside the house, then stomps it flat... with him inside! THIS IS A HIGH DEFINITION CLIP. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE IF YOUR COMPUTER CAN HANDLE THIS SIZE FILE, PLEASE PURCHASE THE STANDARD DEF CLIP BELOW. BOTH CONTAIN THE SAME CONTENT