4th installment of the series featuring two of our newest girls, Anna Evans and Kobe Lee. Gretchen joins them in chasing the tiny guy, who teleports himself around to taunt & tease the titanesses. He finally ends up squished under bare feet, flip flops, and nylons. THIS IS A HIGH DEFINITION CLIP. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE IF YOUR COMPUTER CAN HANDLE THIS SIZE FILE, PLEASE PURCHASE THE STANDARD DEF CLIP BELOW. BOTH CONTAIN THE SAME CONTENT
4th installment of the series featuring two of our newest girls, Anna Evans and Kobe Lee. Gretchen joins them in chasing the tiny guy, who teleports himself around to taunt & tease the titanesses. He finally ends up squished under bare feet, flip flops, and nylons. THIS IS A HIGH DEFINITION CLIP. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE IF YOUR COMPUTER CAN HANDLE THIS SIZE FILE, PLEASE PURCHASE THE STANDARD DEF CLIP BELOW. BOTH CONTAIN THE SAME CONTENT