I was minding my own business taking my good old time getting ready for work when I noticed something moving out in the bushes outside my window. I didn't even bother to finish dressing I just dashed out to see what was out there, Imagine my shock when I caught my neighbor peeking in my window watching me get dressed!! Of all the nerve! I stormed right up to him and grabbed him by his ear, oh the shock on his face was a tiny bit gratifying. I pulled him into my house scolding him the whole way about how he was going to get it for this one!! No one is a peeping tom in my window! Still holding o...
I was minding my own business taking my good old time getting ready for work when I noticed something moving out in the bushes outside my window. I didn't even bother to finish dressing I just dashed out to see what was out there, Imagine my shock when I caught my neighbor peeking in my window watching me get dressed!! Of all the nerve! I stormed right up to him and grabbed him by his ear, oh the shock on his face was a tiny bit gratifying. I pulled him into my house scolding him the whole way about how he was going to get it for this one!! No one is a peeping tom in my window! Still holding o...