Pleasing Lotta entertains the live audience for over 3 hours with a fun and sexy webcam, 0 -1 hours - Lotta is caught in an off guard moment, the the camera is switched on whileLotta is at the back of the room and is slipping on her panties under her red dress, Lotta sits on the wooden stool and chats to the viewers, this includes a story of a time when she had to pee in public. As this hour moves on, Lotta becomes more and more desperate as she kneels down, the camera captures a shot of Lotta's panties between her legs, Lotta tries to hold on but she loses her battle and lets a stream ...
Pleasing Lotta entertains the live audience for over 3 hours with a fun and sexy webcam, 0 -1 hours - Lotta is caught in an off guard moment, the the camera is switched on whileLotta is at the back of the room and is slipping on her panties under her red dress, Lotta sits on the wooden stool and chats to the viewers, this includes a story of a time when she had to pee in public. As this hour moves on, Lotta becomes more and more desperate as she kneels down, the camera captures a shot of Lotta's panties between her legs, Lotta tries to hold on but she loses her battle and lets a stream of piss soak through her panties, Lotta exclaims that its "quite nice" as she strokes her wet panties, also expect another wetting right at the end of the first hour. 1 - 2 hours - Lotta starts the second hour by taking off her sodden panties, she decides to wear a pair of white panties under her purple skirt, but it's not long before the white panties receive a soaking, Lotta bends over the stool and shows you how wet her panties are, right at the end of this hour Lotta changes into a flowery dress with orange panties on. 2 - 3 hours - Lotta desperatly tries to hold herself from pissing, her hands are pressing against her moist thighs, Lotta tells the viewers that she will pee very soon, she is moving on the spot, desperately trying to hold on, but it's no use as Lotta sends a soaking wet steam into her panties, the camera zooms in as Lotta pulls her panties to one side and sends a stream onto the floor, her pussy piecing is glistening in the light as pee shoots onto the floor, expect a further jeans wetting right near the end of this video. Is this the end of the story? Well let's just say that Natalia has a further stream of piss which bursts out into the now saturated Diaper. Baby Diaper Gal Natalia stands up and inspects the front and back of her bulging wet Diaper, once Natalia is fully satisfied she carefully sits back down onto the desk chair, her legs now apart Natalia continues to sort her photos, but it's not just the Greek ocean that reminds Natalia of a wet and fun day by the sea. very impressed with how well this Diaper has captured every last drop of pee, how wet is the Diaper? Well let's just say that it passes Faye's Baby Diaper Gal test.r a green pack of "Pampers Diapers" Faye looks satisfied with this brand as she stands up before making her way to the checkout. Delightful gal Faye cannot wait to try on her new Diapers as she walks off into the distance for home. of the story? Well let's just say that Natalia has a further stream of piss which bursts out into the now saturated Diaper. Baby Diaper Gal Natalia stands up and inspects the front and back of her bulging wet Diaper, once Natalia is fully satisfied she carefully sits back down onto the desk chair, her legs now apart Natalia continues to sort her photos, but it's not just the Greek ocean that reminds Natalia of a wet and fun day by the sea.