Starring: Carmem Lucia & slave Paulinha - Sinopse:This film is a lot, very strong.. Carmem Lucia diffuses in your first scene, it destroys your opponent giving very strong Slaps, very strong kicks without mercy... Paulinha loosens tears of the eyes and wait that Carmem stops! but Carmem this unyielding one is doesn't want to stop... Carmem is with eyes of furious and it loosens all your rage in this film and extraordinary and destructor... it checks!
Starring: Carmem Lucia & slave Paulinha - Sinopse:This film is a lot, very strong.. Carmem Lucia diffuses in your first scene, it destroys your opponent giving very strong Slaps, very strong kicks without mercy... Paulinha loosens tears of the eyes and wait that Carmem stops! but Carmem this unyielding one is doesn't want to stop... Carmem is with eyes of furious and it loosens all your rage in this film and extraordinary and destructor... it checks!