While relaxing on the couch, with a pet gently caressing and rubbing her feet, Phoenix muses about the wonderful time she had the previous evening. She is debating whether or not to place a call to her lover. She decides to and instructs her slave to keep his mouth shut and not even utter a moan, while she discusses in depth the wonderful evening she just had. As the call progresses we learn that dinner was expensive, delicious and romantic. Afterwards the pair went for a long walk and culminated the evening in some hot, steamy, nasty, sexy fun, which Phoenix relives on the phone for her own s...
While relaxing on the couch, with a pet gently caressing and rubbing her feet, Phoenix muses about the wonderful time she had the previous evening. She is debating whether or not to place a call to her lover. She decides to and instructs her slave to keep his mouth shut and not even utter a moan, while she discusses in depth the wonderful evening she just had. As the call progresses we learn that dinner was expensive, delicious and romantic. Afterwards the pair went for a long walk and culminated the evening in some hot, steamy, nasty, sexy fun, which Phoenix relives on the phone for her own s...