One more smoke, ashley thought, that's all I need to get these thoughts out of my head. ashley was set to be married in a couple days, but unfortunately she was now having some doubts. Everything was going well until she met “her.” Her name was one word that ashley refused to speak of or even think of. In a way, she blamed this woman for putting ridiculous doubts into her mind when it came to her future and the rest of her life. It was one moment... only one moment and now she was outside having this cigarette wondering what the hell she should do. ashley was all of a sudden reminded of the ev...
One more smoke, ashley thought, that's all I need to get these thoughts out of my head. ashley was set to be married in a couple days, but unfortunately she was now having some doubts. Everything was going well until she met “her.” Her name was one word that ashley refused to speak of or even think of. In a way, she blamed this woman for putting ridiculous doubts into her mind when it came to her future and the rest of her life. It was one moment... only one moment and now she was outside having this cigarette wondering what the hell she should do. ashley was all of a sudden reminded of the ev...