The sequel begins with Goldilocks (Misaki) becoming drowsy from all the smoking. She falls resting and dreams she is putting on a show for her boyfriend, displaying all the aspects of her newly developed smoking style, dangling, nose/mouth exhales, and smiling at the camera in a naughty way that she knows her boyfriend will love. Goldilocks has changed---she has discovered her bold and naughty self and may never be the same!
The sequel begins with Goldilocks (Misaki) becoming drowsy from all the smoking. She falls resting and dreams she is putting on a show for her boyfriend, displaying all the aspects of her newly developed smoking style, dangling, nose/mouth exhales, and smiling at the camera in a naughty way that she knows her boyfriend will love. Goldilocks has changed---she has discovered her bold and naughty self and may never be the same!