Alicia is 29 years old and has been smoking for a few years. She cannot smoke at work because she is a teacher at a traveling school so she sneaks her smokes away from the ...She likes to smoke after excercizing. LIVE AUDIO: Smoking sounds and a little bit of dialogue...WMV File H.D Quality (720p) clip is 4:06 long....( Have 432 or 1080 files available, just send me an email)..!
Alicia is 29 years old and has been smoking for a few years. She cannot smoke at work because she is a teacher at a traveling school so she sneaks her smokes away from the ...She likes to smoke after excercizing. LIVE AUDIO: Smoking sounds and a little bit of dialogue...WMV File H.D Quality (720p) clip is 4:06 long....( Have 432 or 1080 files available, just send me an email)..!