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CRL39 - EXECUTIVE PROFILE - Featuring: Nina
My Rating:
Runtime: 54 minutes
Category: Celebrities
Date Added: 02/09/19, 03:55 PM


First name: Nina - Age: 25 - Occupation: President of her own company - Salary: Well into six figures Psychological makeup: Extremely liberal. A woman with this kind of profile can do or have damn well anything she pleases, including taking an afternoon off to pose nude at a friend's mansion. For the Cine crew, it was perhaps the ultimate tease: watching a woman of this caliber flaunt those absolutely stunning legs and feet, perfect breasts, and beautiful face, knowing all the while that she could buy us out of her pocketbook! To her it was merely a pleasant diversion; to us, geez, we'd hav...

CRL39 - EXECUTIVE PROFILE - Featuring: Nina

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