Sneakergirl Crushes Toy-Bus with Ballerinas
My Rating:
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 8/11/2016


Tall Sneakergirl Denise walks over an articulated toy bus - barefoot - again and again. The bus is quite long, but her feet are long, too. And they are beautiful, strong and heavy. Hear the crackling sounds when the chassis has to take all of her female weight. But at the moment she avoids its destruction. Yes - she can! Walk over it without crushing. After a while Denise changes place. And she slips into her red ballerinas. Oh - times get harder - for the bus. From below > now standing on a granite floor - from above > under those flat but hard ballerina soles. And on top - there is our gorge...
Sneakergirl Crushes Toy-Bus with Ballerinas

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