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Big Green Hanky Nose Blowing Sneezing 10 Day Collection, Pt 2
My Rating:
Runtime: 15 minutes
Category: Nose Blowing
Date Added: 10/05/20, 08:32 PM


Its session 2 of this 10 session green hanky project,,

and I am feeling extra stuffed up due to springtime allergies. But all it takes is a few sneezes to get things moving! Just like the 1st video in this series, my goal is spray as many sneezes as I can onto this same green hanky, also pressing it to my nose to blow into. I add in some nice thick snot rockets onto the cloth as well. When I have sneezes and snotted all I can for this session, I use the 4 corners of the hanky to twist into my nostril and soak up any residual snot that has collected in my nose.

Big Green Hanky Nose Blowing Sneezing 10 Day Collection, Pt 2

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1080p - mp4 1276MB
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