Kassidie's plush, curvy soles start this clip!
DeJa is in the background talking and we laugh
because she's been going on so long, neither of
us have any idea WHAT she's talking about! ;)
Kassidie shows us her full curl and spread of
her toes as we talk, alternating back and forth
as if to show off her dexterity! I'm just
enjoying the show until there is a big bump in
the distance! The scene then changes to DeJa,
at home, laying on her bed face down and soles
up! I don't remember if she was resting or
what before this scene started, but she gives a
bit of a toe-curling ...
Kassidie's plush, curvy soles start this clip!
DeJa is in the background talking and we laugh
because she's been going on so long, neither of
us have any idea WHAT she's talking about! ;)
Kassidie shows us her full curl and spread of
her toes as we talk, alternating back and forth
as if to show off her dexterity! I'm just
enjoying the show until there is a big bump in
the distance! The scene then changes to DeJa,
at home, laying on her bed face down and soles
up! I don't remember if she was resting or
what before this scene started, but she gives a
bit of a toe-curling ...