Avas Slave Can't Escape Her!
My Rating:
Category: Shrinking Fetish
Runtime: 19 minutes
Date Added: 12/30/2019


A friend has been looking for the other friends, so he went to Ava's to see if she knows where they are. They have a few drinks and Ava says she has no idea where they have gone to. When tiny broken arms and legs where found on the ground the friend gets suspicious. They threaten to call the cops and Ava just laughs and says the goddess shouldn't be shouted at while they shrink down to the size of a bug. Ava picks him up and shoves him between her legs, the tiny guy screaming because of pain Ava gets annoyed. She gives him the phone and says he has one minute to call the cops, which he fai...

Avas Slave Can't Escape Her!

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