Kevin finds himself in the middle of a row between the two girls. They are so concentrated on yelling at each other that they only realise when it is too late what he is up to. He pushes the pair of them over the end of the bed, and bares their bottoms for a double spanking. Only then does their attention transfer from their yelling match to their hurting bottoms. When both rumps are glowing red, the trio moves onto the bed for some long over due making up. (SP77)
Kevin finds himself in the middle of a row between the two girls. They are so concentrated on yelling at each other that they only realise when it is too late what he is up to. He pushes the pair of them over the end of the bed, and bares their bottoms for a double spanking. Only then does their attention transfer from their yelling match to their hurting bottoms. When both rumps are glowing red, the trio moves onto the bed for some long over due making up. (SP77)