Jackie and Hailey think that they have done well landing well-paid jobs in an hospital in Germany. But they do not realise how much more strict life is in Germany. They are summonsed to Herr Dr Erschlung Kranken-Pflegerinnen's study for their poor work. To their shock, he tells them that the hospital uses corporal punishment for sub-standard work. He starts the punishment immediately. For the first round, he works through all his paddles to determine which is most effective on British girls' bottoms. (SP203)
Jackie and Hailey think that they have done well landing well-paid jobs in an hospital in Germany. But they do not realise how much more strict life is in Germany. They are summonsed to Herr Dr Erschlung Kranken-Pflegerinnen's study for their poor work. To their shock, he tells them that the hospital uses corporal punishment for sub-standard work. He starts the punishment immediately. For the first round, he works through all his paddles to determine which is most effective on British girls' bottoms. (SP203)