Student Felicity likes staying with her step mother's step-father, Robert, while her parents are overseas. The kindly gentleman is normally a soft touch for most things that Felicity wants or likes. But when she insists that he learns to text on his new mobile phone, she
generates a rebellion. Having made the effort, Robert finds that Felicity seldom bothers to reply to his texts. This irritates him no end and one day he joins Feleicty, with a hairbrush in hand.
This amuses her no end as he is bald. But he has other uses for it. To Felecity's absolute shock, he hauls her over his knees and giv...
Student Felicity likes staying with her step mother's step-father, Robert, while her parents are overseas. The kindly gentleman is normally a soft touch for most things that Felicity wants or likes. But when she insists that he learns to text on his new mobile phone, she
generates a rebellion. Having made the effort, Robert finds that Felicity seldom bothers to reply to his texts. This irritates him no end and one day he joins Feleicty, with a hairbrush in hand.
This amuses her no end as he is bald. But he has other uses for it. To Felecity's absolute shock, he hauls her over his knees and giv...