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LUKAS TEX - (feet and spanking)
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Lukas is awaiting the arrival of the master. On the master’s arrival, Lukas hands the cane to him and readies himself for his punishment. Lukas is punished for the first time in his life with the cane on the soles of his bare feet (bastinado), and his bare ass. Then the master continues with a new punishment session for Lukas; this time he is severely punished with the leather strap on the soles of his feet. Afterwards as Lukas chooses a random card, he is asked if he prefers to continue to be punished on the feet or on the ass, he chooses his feet, but he is also strapped on the ass, becau...

LUKAS TEX - (feet and spanking)

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360p - wmv 1176MB
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360p - wmv 356MB
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