The master found two boys who got into a fight and told them to follow him into his room. He then asks them to explain themselves, the master after some time gleans that Pavel BA had attacked the other Pavel unfairly because he thought he was stealing his girlfriend. Then the master decides to punish Pavel with a short cane on the bare feet (bastinado) while in the wheelbarrow position. Then Pavel also gets to receive a vigorous hand spanking while over the other guy's knee.
The master found two boys who got into a fight and told them to follow him into his room. He then asks them to explain themselves, the master after some time gleans that Pavel BA had attacked the other Pavel unfairly because he thought he was stealing his girlfriend. Then the master decides to punish Pavel with a short cane on the bare feet (bastinado) while in the wheelbarrow position. Then Pavel also gets to receive a vigorous hand spanking while over the other guy's knee.