See this never before released film from Sarah's early days. Tasha and Sarah go way back and have known each other since before Sarah was a spanking model. In this classic film, Tasha interviews Sarah for a bit about how she got into spanking and became a spanking model. Not long into the interview, she stops and says, "ok, enough, I am going to spank you, I have wanted to spank you all freakin day!" Sarah had been her bratty self, talking non-stop, and in general just annoying Tasha and so it was a very well deserved spanking. This video really shows off the fabulous chemistry and dynamic the...
See this never before released film from Sarah's early days. Tasha and Sarah go way back and have known each other since before Sarah was a spanking model. In this classic film, Tasha interviews Sarah for a bit about how she got into spanking and became a spanking model. Not long into the interview, she stops and says, "ok, enough, I am going to spank you, I have wanted to spank you all freakin day!" Sarah had been her bratty self, talking non-stop, and in general just annoying Tasha and so it was a very well deserved spanking. This video really shows off the fabulous chemistry and dynamic the...