"Aubrey The Asswhooper": Keri Spectrum and Aubrey
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Keri Spectrum is a personal wrestling trainer who is set to show Aubrey some new moves on the mats. However, Aubrey doesn’t think Keri is the right person for the job and starts to question her qualifications. Aubrey tells Keri she’s looking to wrestle for real and none of that “barbie doll” fake fighting. Keri is taken aback, and demands to know why Aubrey doesn’t take her seriously, calling Aubrey a cunt in the process. Aubrey and Keri anger each other and stand to toe, shoving each other back and forth in the process. Keri lunges a cheap punch to Aubrey’s stomach, knocking her back more ...

"Aubrey The Asswhooper": Keri Spectrum and Aubrey

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