"A Jobber's Perverse Revenge": Keri Spectrum VS Lee Von Lux
My Rating:
Category: Female Fighting
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 11/23/2024


Keri wants vengeance for what Lee Von Lux did to her earlier this week! Never has a newcomer made Keri look like such a horny jobber in such a long time and now it’s time for a rematch! Lee is more than happy to give Keri another beating and she hopes that Keri is ready for another asskicking and orgasm whether it comes easy or the hard way again! They decide that it’s time to settle this in a best of 5 falls submissions in this sexy contest and whoever loses has to be humbled in any way the winner sees fit!

Locking up in their sexy bras and panties, Keri and Lexi start t...

"A Jobber's Perverse Revenge": Keri Spectrum VS Lee Von Lux

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