"Tilly's Total Annihilation" Keri Spectrum beats down Tilly McReese (TOPLESS)
My Rating:
Category: Beatdowns
Runtime: 15 minutes
Date Added: 5/20/2023


Keri and Tilly are no strangers to bouts on the mats. Both fighters are stubborn, tough and determined to be the top bitch any time they face off. Face off is exactly what they do as we fade in to this newest fight! Keri and Tilly begin nose to nose, heatedly and confidently talking smack. They push and shove off of each other with their tits and hands, getting all sorts of riled up for this showdown.

They lock up in a finger lock test of strength, struggling back and forth for control. Tilly gets the short end of the stick here as Keri uses her grappling know-how to arm drag her i...

"Tilly's Total Annihilation" Keri Spectrum beats down Tilly McReese (TOPLESS)

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