I called you here to My house to I can talk about a very private issue. The other day I managed to get a look at your cock! As where I thought it might be on the big or even normal side, I was thoroughly disappointed! I saw your teeny tiny peepee and just had to make a new rule. But only for you! The rule is that anyone in My office who has a itty bitty weewee, has to wear frilly panties! The frilliest too! And since I have only seen your weenus, then the rule only applies to you! If you don't, then I will have to tell everyone at the office of the tiny wiggly thing between your legs!
I called you here to My house to I can talk about a very private issue. The other day I managed to get a look at your cock! As where I thought it might be on the big or even normal side, I was thoroughly disappointed! I saw your teeny tiny peepee and just had to make a new rule. But only for you! The rule is that anyone in My office who has a itty bitty weewee, has to wear frilly panties! The frilliest too! And since I have only seen your weenus, then the rule only applies to you! If you don't, then I will have to tell everyone at the office of the tiny wiggly thing between your legs!