Normally I'm pretty regular when it comes to going #2. For some reason, I have not taken a for 3 days!!! It's uncomfortable! I know a sure fire way to handle it though. Enemas! It was so hard to get from the tub to the toilet in time so the camera angle is slightly janky haha! My first trip to the toilet was the result of a half of an enema back. I was so backed up that I could only take a half bag. There was no room for more! I felt maybe I should let that out and then do a full bag after. I couldn't believe how deep that first half got. I was cramping and releasing for about 10min!! I got a ...
Normally I'm pretty regular when it comes to going #2. For some reason, I have not taken a for 3 days!!! It's uncomfortable! I know a sure fire way to handle it though. Enemas! It was so hard to get from the tub to the toilet in time so the camera angle is slightly janky haha! My first trip to the toilet was the result of a half of an enema back. I was so backed up that I could only take a half bag. There was no room for more! I felt maybe I should let that out and then do a full bag after. I couldn't believe how deep that first half got. I was cramping and releasing for about 10min!! I got a ...