Pretty self descriptive title, but I'll add a bit more because I enjoy it hehe. We start off immediately with me inhaling as much as I can, sticking out my tongue and blowing the longest raspberry that I can with a ppthththththththththththththtiiittt wet sound. During the raspberries, I pop my eyes as wide as they will go and stare at you intently and without blinking. I shoot it sort of candid style, every now and then talking to you or making a comment about how long I can go for. Being the competitive person that I am, I definitely try for it! I even try a couple variations of the raspberri...
Pretty self descriptive title, but I'll add a bit more because I enjoy it hehe. We start off immediately with me inhaling as much as I can, sticking out my tongue and blowing the longest raspberry that I can with a ppthththththththththththththtiiittt wet sound. During the raspberries, I pop my eyes as wide as they will go and stare at you intently and without blinking. I shoot it sort of candid style, every now and then talking to you or making a comment about how long I can go for. Being the competitive person that I am, I definitely try for it! I even try a couple variations of the raspberri...