I've realized that My last, all day yellow mucus video had a couple snippets with no yellow mucus. So I am here to redeem Myself. I noticed that in the morning, it's the worst of all! I get TONS of yellow mucus. I do 3 days of that and some, throughout the day, yellow mucus. Oh, and btw, whenever I tried to do a snippet and it wasn't yellow, I deleted it. So all parts have the yellow good stuff. You're welcome.
I've realized that My last, all day yellow mucus video had a couple snippets with no yellow mucus. So I am here to redeem Myself. I noticed that in the morning, it's the worst of all! I get TONS of yellow mucus. I do 3 days of that and some, throughout the day, yellow mucus. Oh, and btw, whenever I tried to do a snippet and it wasn't yellow, I deleted it. So all parts have the yellow good stuff. You're welcome.