I'm starting one of my famous gassy cam show with all of my fans! I'm wearing a pastel pink and gray stripped crop top shirt and a pair of pink and white striped full back panties. I greet everyone and begin sharing the story of last night's cam show, which most of you had paid premium access for. I'm actively passing gas and belching, which all happens to be the aftermath of that show, where I fully devoured a date I brought home last night. I previously had set up cameras all over my place to catch the juicy action. Facing it towards you, I jiggle and smack my ass, elucidating you to what I ...
I'm starting one of my famous gassy cam show with all of my fans! I'm wearing a pastel pink and gray stripped crop top shirt and a pair of pink and white striped full back panties. I greet everyone and begin sharing the story of last night's cam show, which most of you had paid premium access for. I'm actively passing gas and belching, which all happens to be the aftermath of that show, where I fully devoured a date I brought home last night. I previously had set up cameras all over my place to catch the juicy action. Facing it towards you, I jiggle and smack my ass, elucidating you to what I believe my purpose in life to be, which happens to be dedicating my time towards fattening my already fat ass! This means I must eat unsuspecting -- or suspecting --, men, depending on how I go about it. It's apparent the gas has quite the stench, as I'm often waving away the air in front of my ass or nose, while making faces at the growing miasma of putrid environment.
I finish sharing the story of my date and how he had taken me out for a steak dinner, and we all know how I love myself some meat! Afterwards, I brought him back here to my place with the already set up cameras. I was still pretty hungry after that steak dinner. So hungry, in fact, that I didn't even have sex with my date due to being so eager to feed my belly and phat ass! I excitedly share the dirty details on how l ended up chomping him down, which was dick first, by the way, ahahaha! Quickly after my meal, I ended up on the toilet making a human-sized mess. This all is so that anyone who missed the show last night, can get a recap!
I switch gears by engaging with my audience and replying to their comments and questions. One fan ends up inquiring about my roommate and so I dish out the details on how things have been for him lately: We're absolutely besties; he got a recent promotion; and he cooks for me occasionally. In fact, there's some baked goods hes napping from creating, in the oven right now. So, I really can't complain here! As I connect with my audience, I shift around on the couch to captivate them with ample views of my ample ass, occasionally giving it a smack and a jiggle here and there, while it dishes out a stream of flatulence.
Eventually, we see my mouth drop open with shock as I'm asked if I'd ever eat my roommate! After a moment, I stumble my response out. I mean, no way I would ever do such a thing, right? Before I come ramble much further, the same fan who asks me about eating him, tips me an absurd amount of life changing money to actually do the deed. I'm literally speechless at the amount sent and stumble further over my words, pondering what that much money could do for my life and my future. I'm obviously torn about eating him because his life is really just getting going and he's the one who has such a big future ahead. I feel like taking that away from him would just be merciless and cruel. I pause, thinking about it, then smile wickedly. One thing you guys know about me is that it's a massive turn on for me when I get to be my ruthless evil self during my consumption of men.
I go on for a bit longer about the pros and cons about slurping him down, head to toe, while the guy from the previous night keeps coming up for revenge, interrupting my thought process with resounding burps and reverberating farts! Finally, I decide that I will indeed ingurgitate him! This would end up forging a much beefier hindquarters anyway! I quickly cover the camera so he won't see it and go knock on his door to wake him up from a nap. He joins me in the living room and I start off by awkwardly feigning some small talk, before working my way to the point.
This video is a part of a 4-day release.
TODAY , I am releasing this video, PART 1 , which covers through the above description.
Tomorrow, I will release a part 2.
The following day, I will release part 3.
3 days from now, I will release the whole video, discounted for your patience!