Heel Popping Tacky Balloons On Different Surfaces - All Surfaces - SLOW MOTION WITH EXTRA TIDBITS
My Rating:
Category: Heel Popping
Runtime: 32 minutes
Date Added: 2/10/2021


So the following is done is slow motion. Ok well just the parts where I press down on the balloon and the POP parts are in slow motion. This way you can get all the anticipation before that final moment. When it says with the "Extra Tidbits", that just means that it's the ENTIRE video along with the pressing and popping parts slowed down. I have also released a video today cutting out the extra tidbits and is only the pressing and popping in slow motion. Take your pick! I am quite excited for tonight as it's my birthday party and it's lingerie themed! I am mid preparations and I keep coming...
Heel Popping Tacky Balloons On Different Surfaces - All Surfaces - SLOW MOTION WITH EXTRA TIDBITS

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