Potion To Clone Me
My Rating:
Category: Magic Control
Runtime: 6 minutes
Date Added: 9/17/2017


I've done it! I created a cloning syrum! Ha! They never said I could. Well who better to test it on, than Me? I drink it and instantly I split in 2! OMG, I can't believe it, it worked! I quickly realize that the second 'Me' isn't really doing or saying much. In fact, nothing at all! I snap My fingers and try to get her attention to no avail. I try to come up with ideas of what a soul-less clone could do, including being a sex doll... Well, looks like I created a successful serum! But it creates a lump of non cohesive flesh. Back to the drawing board? Or do I sell sex clones?

Potion To Clone Me

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