Series Intro:
This content is a part of a grander series I've called "Potions". I have released a video awhile ago that goes over The Rules (Actual name - Potions - The Rules) of this endeavor and I've discounted that video as much as I could possibly do so, so that viewing it won't break the bank, hehe. In each video; I choose a potion from the selection of potions that I have available; I "Activate" it; and then we see what it does. Oh, and I have to guess what it does prior to it taking effect, to see if I win the overall wager I have going with my bestie (the one recording all of these little sessions together).
This Video's Description:
We start off immediately with me bringing in the potions set, and wearing a pair of high-waisted blue jeans and a burnt yellow laced-front crop top. I briefly sum up the rules, while fidgeting with the different bottles during my choice consideration. I wind up choosing a bottle with a gold label containing the word BODY. After pondering for a moment, my guess for the potion's effect is that I will become a curvy Jessica Rabbit. "Body-ody-ody," I laugh with a raise-the-roof gesture. I open the bottle, activate the potion, put 5 drops of the solution under my tongue, hold it, and finally swallow. Unsure of how long this one will take to 'kick in', I ask if my bestie wants to get down on some grub while we wait.
A short time later, I come waddling into the living room with my belly pressing firmly out against my jeans, causing the need to pop the snap button and unzip the pants to become immediate. "Ah," I sigh once I've made room for my very bloated belly, "That's better.". You've given me some of your weight gainer shakes that you 'just so happen to have handy', that I found to be absolutely DELICIOUS! I giggle at my bloated gut and express how good it feels to be swollen like this. I pause, and ask if you heard the growl that my belly just complained on out, and I suggest we go out for burgers. "I know I just ate", I remark with an eye roll, "but I'm hungry again", and I waddle off towards the door, not even waiting for you to join me.
The next evening, we're just returning from eating out and I waddle in wearing a dark blue mini dress, with a black short jacket, and black shiny pumps. I'm toddling a bit more to accommodate an obviously larger abdomen. I complain that my stomach is still making hunger noises and lovingly look down at my now protruding gut. "It's definitely bigger than before!" I exclaim, "I can't believe how much I ate.", then ask, "Is this really how big my belly has gotten only in the last day?!". You remark something that causes me to scoff, "So, I had a few steaks. Yeah, I know, 5 to be exact. Oh man, 1 of the steaks had a loaded baked potato with broccoli and cheese on top, as it's side. Another one was a surf and turf plate, so I also ate an entire lobster! Oh yeah! And another was country style, with tatters, gravy, and asparagus! There were so many options. What do you expect!?".
I stroke and touch my belly, while smiling, before turning my attention back to you. "This is all your fault for taking me there!", I declare, and proudly model off my belly to you, while observing how sexy I think it all is. "I feel like I could eat more." -- "Okay!", I gasp in reply to another remark from you, "So, I had a little bit of dessert! Okay, maybe it was a whole cheesecake. I mean, just look at this thing! LOOK AT IT!". I giggle in excitement at how much I love this new curve to my body. While still rubbing and caressing my belly, I inform you that you'll probably need to roll me to bed, and waddle off towards the kitchen for a late night dessert and snacks.
It's been about 10 days since I took the BODY potion, and I'm sitting in a chair wearing a light salmon-colored spaghetti strap shirt and pink panties. My belly is SIGNIFICANTLY larger and rests firmly on top of my thighs while I sit. I'm on my phone ordering food when you come in, and half-heartedly ask if you're hungry. "I don't care if I just ate", I say with a bubbly burp. Getting distracted, I chirp about how my guess was that I was going to get more curvy. I gesture to my belly and comment on how I'd definitely call this curvy. I'm seem to be thrilled that my breasts are also larger and bubblier.
You bring me back to the topic of food, by asking what I have on the order so far. "Oh", I laugh and look at my phone screen, "I have 3 orders of mango sticky rice, 2 orders of pad see yew, 4 orders of pad thai, 3 of the boba thai ic0ed teas, and a couple orders of crab rangoon wontons and spring rolls.". I get distracted again with touching my belly. I really wasn't expecting this to happen and I express to you over and over about how much I love it, and how this has to be my favorite potion so far!
Once again, you pull me back to the food by declining to order anything since you've already just eaten, as well. I get amped up because this means all of the food I'm ordering will be just for me! I gesture to the desk and say that I'll lay it all out on top and then demolish each dish, one by one. I order and go right back to tittering about my big fat jiggly belly. "I seriously can't stop touching it.", I babble, while continuing to touch and jiggle my gut, "It's like protruding torpedo! Or, like, a water filled beach ball!". I even struggle to stand up for a moment to show off how it hangs down. I bounce my body up and down to make it wobble for you. "I already had a jiggly butt", I chuckle, "but now I have a jiggle front, too!". I add a booty shake to the already shaking front side to give a nice view of a full body jiggling. I plop back down on the chair, while licking and smacking my lips, and breath, "Whew! I'm just counting down the seconds until that food gets here!"
It's been a total of 3 weeks since I took the BODY potion now, and you catch me ruffling through the fridge for snacks. You call out to me, and I respond while clearly having a food item in my mouth. I close the freezer and shuffle into view wearing an all white outfit that consists of a white satin open front shirt stretched over tits that have grown to at least an s-size, and a white long flowy multi-part skirt that's doing it's best to cover the most massive belly you've ever seen on me. The thing sticks straight out like a super perky mammoth tit, and I have to really waddle in order to accommodate it. I finish up with a bite of something in my mouth, while admitting it was some of the ice cream we'd bought earlier. "Such good stuff." I sigh. You make a comment about all the food I've been eating and my reply is, "C'mon, I haven't eaten THAT much.". To which, you point at my mountainous belly, and I laugh, "Good point.".
I subconsciously rub, stroke, cup, and grab at my belly, while wistfully talking about it. "I really love it.", I say, "I mean, look at it, it's so round! And look at my tits, dude! I have torpedo tits and a torpedo gut. I also keep bumping into everything, so it's really nice of that you've been clearing the way for me wherever I may need to walk." I continue to rub and show off my new favorite thing; my belly. "Bubble bubble bubble, toil and trouble.", I joke, before gushing even more about my love for this new gut, "It's a ton of fun just getting to destroy so much food and treats and sweets and whatnot. I'm getting to experience what it's like having a bod-day! Just look at how it sticks out. LOOK! I barely have clothes that can fit this thing! You didn't tell me how amazing all of this would be. This big fat beach ball gut and these --- titties!". I grab my big ol' boobies to emphasize my point.
After thinking on it for a moment, I look up to make eye direct contact with you and smile. "I won this one, didn't I?", I ask, "I guessed that I'd have more curves, and this technically counts as being curvy, right?". Caressing and rubbing my belly, I continue, "I feel like I'm just a very happy house wife that's expecting quadruplets. I get to wear comfy clothing all of the time and I get to be cute. I get to lay at home and eat ice cream, while being lazy. Talk about the best!". I pause and turn towards the sink, "I did try to wash the dishes, but --" I reach out towards the faucet and demo how my belly runs into the sink edge and propels be back, "--I can't reach." and I giggle.
Pausing again, I decide that I'm still hungry. "Yeah, again!" I say in response to a little comment from you, "You knew what this potion would do and I need to feed the fat that you knew was incoming.". I stand sideways to give one more view of all of the protrusions: my colossal butt; my over-sized tits; and my whopping fat belly bumper! "Now, what was I doing?", I ponder, "Oh, right!". I totter my girthy size back over to the freezer so I can get into that yummy ice cream I had started on earlier, while making an excited " nyumnamnyumyum " sound.
This video is a part of a 2-DAY Release. Either take your pick or wait for day 3 to get it all.
1) Yesterday, I released parts 1 and 2 simultaneously, so you could take your choice of either one.
2) TODAY , I am releasing the WHOLE VIDEO , which has been somewhat discounted.