The follow up to Creating Your Own Demise! Purchasing this clip just may put you in the same vicious cycle that My pet is in... want to see how one pair of heels turns into two pairs of heels, two pairs of stockings, a tribute, and some sexy lingerie?? It is only the first month of My puppet's conditions, and already he can't stop shopping for Me! I have not heard from him in a few days. I assume the game of cat and mouse has began.. After shopping guilt- possible doubts or even fear. That's ok. It's even natural. I designed these conditions because I knew that as time went on, I would get int...
The follow up to Creating Your Own Demise! Purchasing this clip just may put you in the same vicious cycle that My pet is in... want to see how one pair of heels turns into two pairs of heels, two pairs of stockings, a tribute, and some sexy lingerie?? It is only the first month of My puppet's conditions, and already he can't stop shopping for Me! I have not heard from him in a few days. I assume the game of cat and mouse has began.. After shopping guilt- possible doubts or even fear. That's ok. It's even natural. I designed these conditions because I knew that as time went on, I would get int...