This little snippet is from my forth/last vacation of 2016. While you are working, I am relaxing as a Goddess should. While you are cold during this winter, I am bathing in the sun in my short shorts. While you are bored, I enjoy the perfect view of the blue ocean. While you are giving me your money, I spend it all on ME. While you are stuck in your daily commute, I walk into the warmest water on a perfect white sand beach. Now pay a pet tax to be transported into My Perfect World. You are lucky enough to watch Me enjoy the amazing view.
This little snippet is from my forth/last vacation of 2016. While you are working, I am relaxing as a Goddess should. While you are cold during this winter, I am bathing in the sun in my short shorts. While you are bored, I enjoy the perfect view of the blue ocean. While you are giving me your money, I spend it all on ME. While you are stuck in your daily commute, I walk into the warmest water on a perfect white sand beach. Now pay a pet tax to be transported into My Perfect World. You are lucky enough to watch Me enjoy the amazing view.