We are about to hook up for the first time, when I discover your small penis. Ooopps! I don't want anything to do with that tiny thing. Everyone knows that guys when small cocks can't last long. You think you can last long? Prove it! I set a 4 minute timer on my phone and command the pace at which you are stroking, so you cannot cheat. All while I make fun of your small cute wee wee.
We are about to hook up for the first time, when I discover your small penis. Ooopps! I don't want anything to do with that tiny thing. Everyone knows that guys when small cocks can't last long. You think you can last long? Prove it! I set a 4 minute timer on my phone and command the pace at which you are stroking, so you cannot cheat. All while I make fun of your small cute wee wee.