As I told you all in my weight gain update I had a new plan, now that this plan is in effect is it working? BETTER THAN I COULD HAVE EVER DREAMED! So what is happening? What is it doing to me and what are my results? Is my weight up? You better believe it! But you'll never guess how. I was shocked myself! I don't wanna give away too much in the description but trust me you'll be just as surprised as I was!
As I told you all in my weight gain update I had a new plan, now that this plan is in effect is it working? BETTER THAN I COULD HAVE EVER DREAMED! So what is happening? What is it doing to me and what are my results? Is my weight up? You better believe it! But you'll never guess how. I was shocked myself! I don't wanna give away too much in the description but trust me you'll be just as surprised as I was!