Secret Fatty Pool Time!
My Rating:
Category: Bbw - Ssbbw
Runtime: 11 minutes
Date Added: 4/23/2013


We were up working late making videos and the pool was already closed but BBW Raya flirted with the manager and he let Tori, Raya and me have our own private fat pool party at 4am! The pool was so warm, I couldn't help but flash you my big belly and huge ass, just as I was the manager walked by! WHOOPS! Then when we flashed the camera some more we realized there was a camera in there! OH NO! We apologized to the manager but he didn't seem to mind at all! HA Lots of fun playful fat play and fat chat. Watch us over fill the pools water limit as it splashes out when we get in! So relaxing and fun...
Secret Fatty Pool Time!

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