Pretty Bex Gives Nerdy Miss Cooper a Lesson In Sexiness
My Rating:
Category: Adult School
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 9/11/2023


Bex is in her science lesson with Miss Cooper. Unfortunately Bex is not impressed by this boring subject and decides it would be more fun to give Miss Cooper an overdue makeover. Miss tries to continue to teach but Bex makes her way to the front of the class and insists that what Miss is wearing is just so drab something must be done. Bex slips off Miss’s glasses and undoes her hair which already makes her sex appeal grow, but Bex wants to see what is underneath and she starts to undress Miss and herself. Bex is amazed at the sexy lingerie she finds underneath and when she slips off Miss’s ...

Pretty Bex Gives Nerdy Miss Cooper a Lesson In Sexiness

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