Stacey's BF has STumbled upon another Magical Item, This time a real Pretty Blue Stone. When using it, it must be on the person you are using it towards. For instance Stacey is doing her warmup exercise before taking her morning jog, he gives the stone to Stacey telling her it is a Lucky stone. What she doesnt know is that when he says the Code word it will Freeze her In Any Position she is currently in. Trying it out a few times He really gets her in some F**ked up positions getting Lots Of Closeups of her Barefeet, Ass,Crotch and her Frozen Face as Well. Better then the First One, A definite...
Stacey's BF has STumbled upon another Magical Item, This time a real Pretty Blue Stone. When using it, it must be on the person you are using it towards. For instance Stacey is doing her warmup exercise before taking her morning jog, he gives the stone to Stacey telling her it is a Lucky stone. What she doesnt know is that when he says the Code word it will Freeze her In Any Position she is currently in. Trying it out a few times He really gets her in some F**ked up positions getting Lots Of Closeups of her Barefeet, Ass,Crotch and her Frozen Face as Well. Better then the First One, A definite...