Bra,Panties and a Jz what more could u ask for? Having the first symptoms of this Flu that is going around I already have a Really Bad Cough, Smoking just Heightens it. I'm relaxing on my lovseat, switching positions so that you get every angle and hear the different coughs with the differnt positions Im in. Of course a Coughing clip wouldnt be one without some great ASS shots too!!!! Watch it Bounce and giggle with every cough.
Bra,Panties and a Jz what more could u ask for? Having the first symptoms of this Flu that is going around I already have a Really Bad Cough, Smoking just Heightens it. I'm relaxing on my lovseat, switching positions so that you get every angle and hear the different coughs with the differnt positions Im in. Of course a Coughing clip wouldnt be one without some great ASS shots too!!!! Watch it Bounce and giggle with every cough.