I set out to water my freshly cut grass but things don't go according to plan. It all starts out fine but when my hose runs out of length I begin to pull on it, one pull too hard and the Hose Slips from my hands and I fly backwards into a Hole that I didn't know existed, Twisting My Ankle Along the way. Yup that's right you know me I can't do a Damn thing without hurting myself somehow. I'm just thankful there wasn't a sand spur patch there as well, that really would've sucked. My Ankle is Throbbing and beginning to Swell. I hope over to the Porch but not without incident, I manage to step wit...
I set out to water my freshly cut grass but things don't go according to plan. It all starts out fine but when my hose runs out of length I begin to pull on it, one pull too hard and the Hose Slips from my hands and I fly backwards into a Hole that I didn't know existed, Twisting My Ankle Along the way. Yup that's right you know me I can't do a Damn thing without hurting myself somehow. I'm just thankful there wasn't a sand spur patch there as well, that really would've sucked. My Ankle is Throbbing and beginning to Swell. I hope over to the Porch but not without incident, I manage to step wit...