Arizona Finds Pinkie...
My Rating:
Category: Vore
Runtime: 4 minutes
Date Added: 5/9/2012


Arizona was comfortable on the couch wearing a Red Tank Top,Black Boi Shorts, And Cute Over The Toes Strappy Heel just tall enough, waching tv when she heard a noise. Stacey is in the other room about to join her. Ari decides to investigate, then she sees a pink napping bag on the floor (so it seems), having to still be noisy she takes a peek inside. Here we go again, PInkie has Grabbed His Next Meal! He pulls her in tasting her as she goes down, but Ari doesn't go quietly when she Kicks and Flails her Legs. She flips on her sides, stomach then back on her back. I hear a bunch of noise and ent...
Arizona Finds Pinkie...

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