Admirer Pantyhose - Star Nine
My Rating:
Category: Did
Runtime: 18 minutes
Date Added: 2/26/2022


Star Nine is surprised that a secret admirer sent her a box with a note hoping that the enclosed suntan pantyhose bring her plenty of pleasure. Her red fingernails caress the suntan nylons and she's pleased when they fit her long legs.

Suddenly the pantyhose tighten and constrict but when she tries stripping them, they are stuck! She doesn't see the evil pantyhose escaping the box, creeping toward her. It's too late and they are wrapping around her arms and she's pantyhose bound. Her kicking legs won't allow escape.

Pantyhose jump in as nylon mouthpacking to shhh her cries...

Admirer Pantyhose - Star Nine

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