Tiny Transformation - Step-Daddy Giant 45 - Jeff Drizzle - Richard Lennox
My Rating:
Category: Giants
Runtime: 10 minutes
Date Added: 5/16/2020


Your giant step-dad has hired another sitter for you and he's FABulous. International fashion designer Jeff Drizzle is out of work because of the Rona, because NObody buys haute couture in a pandemic. He has no experience sitting for anyone, let alone a tiny person (they're SO last season), so he struggles to think of an activity to enjoy with you. He decides to do what he does best and give you a makeover. He normally only designs for women and doesn't actually ask you if you mind dressing up in drag, but what the hell. You've been through 44 humiliating episodes so far. How bad could numb...

Tiny Transformation - Step-Daddy Giant 45 - Jeff Drizzle - Richard Lennox

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